Résumé : Les Centres d’Examens de Santé réalisent de façon périodique des examens de santé. Nous rapportons l’analyse des données relatives à la réponse à l’item “Avez vous habituellement des troubles du sommeil ? ». Cet item est intégré au questionnaire médico-administratif qui est rempli par chaque consultant. La prévalence de la plainte est évaluée à partir d’un total de 205 347 examens. (…)
Travaux, brevets, publications et réalisations en libre accès dans les domaines de la médecine du sommeil, de la modélisation, de la neurophysiologie clinique.
Les publications on été soumises aux comités de lecture des congrès scientifiques ou elles ont été présentées.
Articles les plus récents
Prévalence de la plainte relative aux troubles du sommeil : suivi de 205 347 sujets de 1988 à 1998
14 novembre 2010 -
Aspects pratiques des hypersomnies idiopathiques
14 novembre 2010D.Cugy
Protocole de réadaptation respiratoire pour l’aide à la prise en charge des patients présentant un syndrome d’apnées du sommeil.
14 novembre 2010CUGY Didier, LAVAUD Eric, BILLIE Laurent, PATY Jacques
Nous avons remarqué l’existence d’anomalies posturales à l’occasion de l’examen clinique de patients présentant un syndrome d’apnées du sommeil. Ces anomalies sont essentiellement caractérisées par une accentuation de la cyphose dorsale accompagnée d’un enroulement des épaules. On retrouve aussi une diminution du réflexe diaphragmatique.
Dans le but de corriger ces anomalies nous proposons un protocole de prise en charge (…) -
Modélisation du sommeil et neurones formels
14 novembre 2010D.Cugy
Imagination and thermoregulation
14 novembre 2010Cugy D.
Abstract : The use of the noise is usually used to allow the generalization of knowledge within system of networks of neurons. We propose here a macroscopic model of neuronal organization integrating the role of the thermodynamic noise in the genesis of the innovation from what exists (imagination).
This model is mainly made up of two networks. A first ensuring the transformation of "the space of perceived" towards an internal representation of the world (Pnetwork). The second (…) -
Prevalence of sleep disorders complaint during healthcare checkup Socio-Professional and Biological Concomitant
14 novembre 2010D.Cugy, JL. Lenain, M. Vinclair, S. Cugy, JP. Giordanella, J. Paty
Primary healthcare checkup are regularly performed by French welfare centers. We report analysis of Sleep disorders complaint registered during 1997 and 1998 in Bordeaux-Cauderan and Cenon CPAM welfare centers. The prevalence of sleep disorders is estimated from a total of 38 101 checkup (19 206 during 1997 and 18 895 during 1998). The population is segmented by gender (male : 1997-8121, 1998-9605 ; female : 1997-11085, (…) -
Epworth Sleepiness Scale discrimination thresholds reported to sleep parameters
14 novembre 2010Cugy Didier, Paty jacques
Discrimination threshold of Epworth Sleepiness scale is frequently defined as a value 4510. This seems to be in agreement with the Johns findings But a second cutting point of 14 was evoked in the same paper. The mean of our work consist to iteratively determine the best cutting edge of ESS in regard with objective sleep parameters. -
Epworth Sleepiness Scale Distribution among 10755 people (aged 40+) at primary healthcare checkup and 3252 people at Sleep Clinic
14 novembre 2010Cugy Didier, Paty Jacques, Lenain Jean-Luc
Epworth Sleepiness Scale is commonly used for Sleepiness screening. We report distribution of response among screening in the Bordeaux and Cenon primary HealthCare Center in Gironde, France and in our sleep lab. -
Morphostatic correlates and sleep apneas
14 novembre 2010CUGY Didier ; LAVAUD Eric ; PATY, Jacques
The clinical observation of patients suffering from SAS reveals morphological similarities between the patients. Having a broad neck with a circumference higher than 42 cm has already been identified like a clinical factor (1). Others Predicting Indicators are described (2,3). Moreover, these patients also present morphostatic similarities frequently characterized by a cervical ciphose and a rolling up of the shoulders
This morphostatic aspect (…) -
Prevalence of Home and Leisure Accident in a population of detected patient supect of sleep disorders during a healthcare checkup
14 novembre 2010C. Scribans, D. Cugy, J.L. Lenain, B. Léger, J.Paty
Objective : In order to prevent Home and Leisure Accident (H&LA) and promote an adapted specialist medical care, sleep disorders screening was led in the Bordeaux and Cenon HealthCare Center in Gironde, France.
Method : Epworth sleepiness scale was performed on patients more than 40-years-old. Inclusion criteria were defined on a level more than 17 or more than 11 with a positive answer of specific questions associated.One year (…)