Accueil > European Sleep Research Society > 2010 - Lisbonne > Epworth Sleepiness Score distribution from 33,962 healthcare checkups

Epworth Sleepiness Score distribution from 33,962 healthcare checkups

dimanche 14 novembre 2010, par

Cugy D., Lenain J-L., Balan J, Cugy S. Giordanella J-P.

Since 2004 ESS is used for sleepiness screening in patient older than 40 at Bordeaux and Cenon primary healthcare centers. 33962 healthcare checkups were performed from 2004 to December 31, 2008. The screened population in healthcare center can be considered represen- tative of the Department of the Gironde in France. We report here the characteristics of distribution of Epworth score in the subpopulation aged 40 and older. The first quartile corresponds to the ESS scores between 0 to 2, thesecond ESS=3 to 5, the thirdof ESS=6 to 8, fourth ESS= 9to24. First decile is ESS=0to1, last ESS=11 to 24. 5. 95% of the population has a score below 14. The median is between 5 and 6. The average is 6.25. The proportions for each class of Epworth score (0 .. 24) from the population (n = 33962) are : ESS = 0 (4.35%), 1 (4.75%), 2 (8, 38%), 3 (9.26%), 4 (10.35%), 5 (9.68%), 6 (9.97%), 7 (8.72%), 8 (8.40 %), 9 (6.70%), 10 (5.75%), 11 (3.81%), 12 (3.11%), 13 (2%), 14 (1.52%), 15 (1.14%), 16 (0.76%), 17 (0.44%), 18 (0.37%), 19 (0.24%), 20 (0.15%), 21 (0, 07%), 22 (0.03%), 23 (0.01%), 24 (0.04%). These results are consistent with those originally found by Johns [1] and Chervin [2] particularly as regards the average and 5% of highest scores.

References : 1. Johns, M.W. A new method for measuring daytime sleepiness : the Epworth Sleepiness Scale. Sleep, 1991, 14 : 540–545.
2. Chervin R.C., Aldrich M.S., Pickett R, Guilleminault C. Compar- ison of the results of the Epworth Sleepiness Scale and the Multiple Sleep Latency Tests. Journal of psychosomatic research, 1997, 42 :